By: Liz Meneses
How living transformational leadership can help you make a difference!
Compassion in Action is a very special initiative conceptualized during my CWLF Leadership Program journey. Almost a year and a half after I first pitched the concept, the Compassion in Action group finally came into fruition and is now an official employee interest group at my work (a provincial crown corporation).
It is a community of support for those who need help and want to help in the face of health challenges. This group takes sympathy and empathy one step further.
It certainly took a while to break the traditional barrier, but it finally happened. As soon as the article was posted, a good number of employees signed up. It is so amazing to see corporate people take the courage to show their vulnerable side to help others and bravely reach out for help for themselves too.
I believe this is a beautiful start of something new and one step forward in making this world a much better place.
As Pope Francis said, “a single individual is enough for hope to exist” I trust each one of us can make a difference, one step at a time.
A couple of years after graduation, my CWLF Leadership Program learnings continues to provide guidance in my personal and professional decisions and direction - it became a real part of who I am
Fun fact: I still love to read my CWLF program notes and final paper whenever I get a chance to 😊
All this is possible because Liz took the Leadership Foundation Program and combined with her faith, established Compassion in Action!