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Spiritual First Aid for a Virtual Community

Stronger Together While Physically Apart

Josephine Lombardi – April 2020

Many of us are missing the fullness of our Church experience: attending mass and receiving sacraments, praying with others and sharing our faith experience when we gather and worship in community.

So many of us have experienced an emotional roller coaster during these last five weeks, feeling hopeful one day, discouraged the next. I pray some of you might benefit from these proposed steps on Spiritual First Aid. A simple on-line definition of first aid tells us that first aid is the “help given to a sick or injured person until full medication treatment is available.” Let’s apply this to our current situation: I’m defining Spiritual First Aid as the help given to a discouraged person until the fullness of our Church experience returns, including the reception of the sacraments, daily and Sunday worship. If a participant finds these steps helpful, they can continue to use them along with other spiritual resources available to us.

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